Monday, February 20, 2017

Infidel - discussion questions

 1. Hirsi Ali tells us that this book is "the story of what I have experienced, what I have seen, and why I think the way I do”. Which experiences does she highlight as being integral to forming her current views on Islam? 
2. "No eyes silently accused me of being a whore. No lecherous men called me to bed with them. No Brotherhood members threatened me with hellfire. I felt safe".This passage refers to Hirsi Ali's initial impression of walking the streets in Germany. What other significant differences between the West and Islamic Africa did she observe during her first days in Europe?  
3. Discuss the differences that Hirsi Ali noticed between raising children in Muslim countries and raising children in the West. How were Muslim parents different from Dutch parents in their instructions to their children on the playground?  
4. In Hirsi Ali's words, "a Muslim girl does not make her own decisions or seek control. She is trained to be docile. If you are a Muslim girl, you disappear, until there is almost no you inside you”. How do the three generations of women in Hirsi Ali's family differ in their willingness to "submit" to this doctrine? 
5. The events of September 11th caused Hirsi Ali to reread sections of the Quran and to evaluate the role of violence in Islam. Consequently, her interpretation of September 11th differs from those around her. Do you agree with her analysis? 
6. Throughout her political career, Hirsi Ali has made several bold statements challenging the Muslim world. In your opinion, were these declarations worth the risk? 
7. Has this book changed the way you view Islam? According to Hirsi Ali, is Islam compatible with Western values and culture? Do you agree with her?