Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Cuckoo’s Calling Discussion Questions by Robert Galbraith

1. Did you like the book? Why or why not? 

2. What makes Lula Landry's apparent suicide suspicious? Lula's character is gradually 

revealed and the story progresses. What kind of person was she? 

3. How does Strike’s disability affect his investigation? How does it affect how he relates to 

others? Why is his prosthesis pain / discomfort frequently mentioned?  

4. Robin's search for a career is what preoccupied much of her thoughts, and she was torn 

between what she saw as two options: job satisfaction and job stability. Which is more 

important to you, satisfaction or stability? Do you think Robin made the right choice? 

5. Why do you think Robin continues working with Strike after he is rude to her? Especially 

since Matthew (her fiancé) doesn’t like him? 

6. Did you figure out the ending? When did you know who the killer was? What clues helped 

you? As the plot began to unfold, which revelations surprised you the most?  

7. Why do you think Barlow hired Strike? What did Barlow hope to accomplish 

8. The book’s prologue opens with a quote that translated from Latin reads, “Unhappy is he 

whose fame makes his misfortunes famous.” How does The Cuckoo’s Calling express 


9. What do you think the author thinks of our culture’s contemporary obsession with 


10. What do you think of the title? What do you think “calling” means? Why isn’t Lula’s 

character referred to as Cuckoo very often in the book? 

11. Wat do you think of J.K. Rowling's decision to publish under a pseudonym? Would you have read the book if you didn't know Rowling wrote it? 

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